Process for Requesting Support from the Austin Housing Coalition

All policy statements issued by the Austin Housing Coalition must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Supports the development and preservation of income-restricted affordable
    housing* for Austin residents
  • Supports a strategic and effective goals-driven approach to the allocation of
    affordable housing* funding
  • Increases access to housing and services for income-restricted affordable housing* residents
  • Strengthens the affordable housing* sector

All letters of support issued by the Austin Housing Coalition must align with the Austin Housing Coalition’s goals and initiatives. AHC will not sign an exclusive letter of support for any one member.

* The Austin Housing Coalition defines affordability as ensuring that residents do not pay more than 30% of their income on housing, and programmatically that housing be affordable for the spectrum of individuals and families, both renters and homeowners, who cannot afford market-rate housing in Austin.

The following is the process to request a letter of support or policy statement from the Austin Housing Coalition:

  • Submit a request for a letter of support or advocacy statement to the chair of the
    Austin Housing Coalition. The current chair is Abby Tatkow.
  • Include a draft letter of support and/or advocacy statement and a one-page
    summary of the project/issue that includes supporting information and any known opposition. Additional information may be requested.
  • The Executive Committee will review the information and request any clarifications or additional information.
  • If approved by the Executive Committee, it will be taken for a vote by the full
  • For time-sensitive issues, the Executive Committee is empowered to make a final
    determination on behalf of the membership.

We prefer that requests for policy statements and letters of support are submitted at least one month prior to the submission deadline so that we have sufficient time to present it to our members for a vote.