Looking for affordable housing?
Austin Housing Coalition is a policy, research, and advocacy organization. As such, we do not provide affordable housing directly. But there are several resources that provide useful and up-to-date information. If you’re seeking affordable housing in Austin, check out our Community Partners and also visit these tried-and-true local resources:
- View a list of our members that provide affordable housing
- The Austin Tenants’ Council publishes the Guide to Affordable Housing in the Greater Austin Area. The most current guide was published in 2014, so it has up-to-date information. You can download the affordable housing guide from their website.
- The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs maintains a clearinghouse of all the properties that they have subsidized. You can input your preferred location and other housing preferences, and the online housing database will provide you a list of alternatives.
- The Texas Housing Counselor has an online database of low-income housing options.
- Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) has information on how to receive assistance if you are experiencing homelessness
Among these resources, we hope that you will be able to find an affordable housing choice that meets your needs. Questions? Please contact us.